Drawing Brow Shapes

Brow Shaping is 50% of this procedure. You need to be able to shape well if you want good results. Please see below to see all the different shapes available. Remember, one brow DOES NOT FIT ALL. Each eyebrow has to e tailored to your clients face.

When drawing your eyebrow, you have the choice of drawing

A. Bulbs wider than the body of the brow or

B. Bulb & body is the same width.

Neither is right or wrong. its all about preference, you are your own artist and will develop your own signature style.

When tattooing the front of the eyebrows, please keep in mind that it MUST be both SOFT & POWDERY, but also it MUST also be slightly SLANTED. Do not draw "bus shaped" or very square bulbs of the brows.

Please see below for example:

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